Monday, January 30, 2012

What You Don't See Can Drive You Buggy!

If you own a home in the Upstate, then chances are it has or will suffer a termite infestation, and you may not even know about it. Left untreated, your crawlspace, floors, walls, roofing timbers, and more can suffer huge damage in a short amount of time, which can cost you thousands and thousands of dollars. And this damage is NOT covered by your homeowners insurance! You can prevent this headache and huge expense with a simple termite inspection once a year, which will cost you about $100 - cheap at twice the price, when you consider what the consequences could be. 

Wood Infestation Report, often referred to as a CL-100, is an inspection report that shows the existence (or lack of) of active or previous termite infestations in your home, as well as giving a reading for the moisture content of areas which need attention. When you purchase a home in SC, most lenders require a CL-100 (and treatment, if there is evidence of infestation) before they will give final approval for the loan. So, when you originally closed on your home, it had a CL-100 inspection, and you would have been notified of the results.

Whether your home was free of termites or had been treated when you bought it, it is important to continue scheduling CL-100 inspections over the years. In SC, it's almost a question of "when," rather than "if," your home will suffer an infestation.

One of the most common consumer complaints regarding termite pest control is that the treatment was not done properly, the termites returned, and the company is no longer in business to honor guarantees. That's why it's important to do your homework. Cheapest is not always best and may cost you more in the long run in money and health. Depending on your particular circumstances, there could be several choices of treatment, and some of the safer, more effective products cost more to use. For more information on treatment options and things to look for when choosing a company, check out If you'd like suggestions, I have a list of companies I recommend to my clients.

So do yourself a favor and put a CL-100 on your yearly "to do" list, along with changing your smoke alarm batteries and getting your cholesterol checked. Promise yourself you won't go buggy in 2012!

Yours in smiles  :)

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